So how did I end up such a mess and in so much pain.
For a while now I’ve noticed I’ve had postural issues. I primarily had a problem with a forward head posture.
It wasn't a painful condition in the beginning because the body is wonderful at adaptation, and compensates. Your head normally weighs about 10lbs. If you have a forward head posture you essentially carry a 20-30 lb weight depending on how forward your head is from the spine. Mine was pretty forward so I was carrying around about 30 lb bowling ball on my neck.
For me it developed into a position of comfort. The problem is that in compensating, some muscles get tight while others get weak. When it gets real bad, it throws the whole skeletal system out of alignment and your biomechanics suffer.
Your joint force increases putting an extraordinary amount of stress on the joints, tissues, even the amount of oxygen your system can take in. If your body is constantly fighting gravity and having to deal with all these issues you can start to develop chronic fatigue which I was also having.
My alignment was so off I was actually having balance issues and was suffering form dizziness.
This all took time and I didn’t develop it overnight.
I’m a firm believer that you and you alone are responsible for your health, which meant it was up to me to try and find the answer.
Since my background is rooted in science, and I live a holistic lifestyle, that’s where I returned to develop the plan that got me pain free.
I’ll tell you about it next time.
Be Safe