I mentioned before how I have my own way of using a heart rate monitor that’s completely different from how most people use one.
When individuals use a heart rate monitor they usually are interested in keeping their heart rate in a particular zone, based on a formula. They’re either trying to get a cardiovascular effect or are trying to lose fat.
I use a heart rate monitor in place of resting a certain amount of time betweens sets. Here’s how I do it. After I warm up, I’ll do a set or circuit of certain exercises. Instead of resting 30 seconds to 1 minute between sets/circuits, I’ll let my heart rate come down 20-40 beats before I do another set/circuit.
This way my own physiology tells me when I’m ready to do another set as opposed to some random prescribed time in which your body may or may not be ready to go again.
If I’m looking to get a cardiovascular training effect along with some of my strength training, I’ll rest only till my heart rate comes down 20 beats from my previous set.
If I’m feeling a bit run down or it’s an easy day or week, I’ll let my heart rate come down 40 beats to get an added rest.
I use the same method when I do interval training. I learned it from Boston performance coach
Mike Boyle, who uses it with his athletes.
Try it and see if it works for you.
Be Safe