Here are Vern Gambetta’s ideas on how to build the athlete from the ground up. I simply substituted the word firefighter for athlete.
No one system is emphasized to the exclusion of another.
No one method or physical quality becomes an end unto itself.
Each firefighter is a case study of one.
Be real – Avoid artificial restraints and positions.
# 1 Have a road map - Start with a plan, execute it, and evaluate it
# 2 Think big picture – Understand the movement constants
# 3 Learn to use the ground efficiently - Start with gait
# 4 Fundamental movement skills must be mastered before specific firefighting skills can be acquired and advanced training undertaken
# 5 Train Linkage - Train toenails to fingernails
# 6 Train the core as the center of the action
# 7 Build a work capacity base appropriate for your job
# 8 Train sport-appropriate - You are what you train to be
# 9 Think Long-Term - Training is cumulative
# 10 The individual firefighter is the focus - Recognize, train and rehab the individual
Be Safe