Q: I’m currently doing interval training on a bike, but getting bored. Any suggestions on what else I can do besides biking and running?
A: I like using different protocols when doing interval training as I get bored quite easily also. For firefighters you can't beat sled dragging which is very job specific.
Sled dragging increases your GPP (General Physical Preparedness). The purpose behind GPP is to still get in cardiovascular shape, but to do so in a way that incorporates general physical strength and speed. Also, it's alot more fun than sitting on a bike.
You can get a sled here, or you can build a cheap one yourself.
Get a tire and put a sheet of wood in the bottom. Cut the wood to fit it into the tire,then put an P hook through the tire... fill the tire with cement. Attach a nylon rope to the P hook and loop it around a weight belt.
Here's some good sled info by the boyz at Diesel.
Happing Pulling!