This Super Shake provides you with more nutrition in one gulp than most of your coworkers take in all day. Just blend all the ingredients together for 60 seconds, pour, and drink. (Don't worry; it tastes good.)
1 CUP GREEN TEA This no-calorie beverage has been shown to boost metabolism.
1 SCOOP CASEIN PROTEIN Because casein is a type of milk protein that's slow-digesting, it'll provide a steady supply of protein to your muscles for hours.
1 TBSP GROUND FLAXSEED Flaxseed is a healthy fat that's been shown to lower LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure in lab animals. Buy it preground at a health-food store.
1/2 CUP FROZEN RASPBERRIES, BLUEBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES, OR STRAWBERRIES Packed with disease-fighting anti-oxidants, these fiber-filled fruits are four of the best foods known to man.
1 TBSP MIXED NUTS Research shows that adding one or two handfuls of nuts to your daily diet reduces your risk of heart disease without leading to weight gain.
1 TBSP GREENS+ (Plus)The nutrient equivalent of six servings of fruits and vegetables a day, it's the best-kept secret in supplements.
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