Witness any firefighting activity and what do you see? In almost ALL parts of the job, advancing the line, forcing entry, removing a victim from the occupancy, etc, strength is a major factor, and the majority of force application and absorption in those activities is heavily influenced by horizontal forces.
Rarely is vertical loading seen in actual firefighting activitites yet look at the typical exercises firefighters do in their workouts.
□ Squats-Vertical loading
□ Military press-Vertical loading
□ Lunge-Primarily Vertical loading
□ Pull Up-Vertical loading
□ Leg Press-Truly vertical if you analyze what is happening.
□ Olympic Lifts-Vertical loading
Don't get me wrong, all these are extrememly valuable in a firefighter program. On their own however, they will not produce the optimum enhancement of multiplanular strength and power, capable of transferring to the actual job requirements seen in firefighting.
To optimize strength training for firefighting, you must train the body to effectively neutralize and produce the horizontal and rotational forces encountered every day on the job.