"Don't Let Your Knees Go Past Your Toes When Lunging."
I'm sure everyone has heard this one.
My response is simple...What about the other knee? In a lunge, it's apparently too dangerous for the knee of the front leg to extend past the toes, but the knee of the back leg is past the toes the whole time.
Do you think about where your knee should go in firefighting activities? Of course not, it's a reflex, you don't consciously think about it.
In fact Vern Gambetta, an atheletic development coach, says,"It is all sub cortical and reflexive, not planned and programmed. This demands that training progressively load the knee in all the positions that could occur in the demands of training."
So if you can't restrict your knee consciously because it's a reflex then don't restrict it in training. Artificially restricting knee motion will not prevent knee injuries, in fact, you may be setting up the knee for injury.
Besides, the knee passes the toes every time you go up stairs with your Hi Rise Pac.
Think about it!